Friday Flash 18: To the Capital
Night had fallen. The moon peeked through the window of the train compartment. Silas sat on the bed, his back against the wall of the car. He closed his eyes, taking in the welcome quiet.
Scripts, Theater, Fiction, and the Essence of Medium
Ms. Caldwell, are you seriously advising people to write scripts? Scripts are for movies. You’re not writing a movie. You’re writing a story.
To the Capital [Stageplay]
SCENE 1: Night. Train ambiance. Silas sits on the bed stage left, his eyes closed. Kiki sits in front of the bedside table, restless. A lit lantern rests on the table. Blankets lie in a pile downstage right.
Idea You Can Steal 86: To Build a Wall
There’s a lot going on in my personal life right now. Nothing terrible; just really busy. So forgive the short introduction. Here’s another story idea for your muse to chew on as you’re waiting for the rain to stop.
Blurring the Lines and Trusting Your Audience
In the previous posts, I covered the concepts of showing and telling and how Peter Rock advises using them in his essay “The Telling that Shows.” I could’ve ended this series at part 3, but that would mean willfully ignoring one of the central tenets of Rock’s essay. I’d also be omitting one of the…
Writing Prompts 70
This is it. The final batch of writing prompts. If this news feels sudden, read this post from last September. Everything I said then still applies. I just had to postpone this entry for a month because of some sudden real life issues. All that remains is to say goodbye to this long-time blog feature.…
What to Show
The previous post covered telling, how Peter Rock advises using it, and what details work best when told. This post will address the other side of this discussion and the other half of Rock’s essay: showing.
Idea You Can Steal 85: The Show Must Go On
I had ideas about how to start 2025 on this blog. But there’s a foot of snow outside, my family is currently passing a cold around, and my desktop is barely functional and slowly dying. Happy New Year, everyone. Here’s a new story idea you can steal. A famous acting troupe is coming to town.…
What to Tell
Last time, I began (what is shaping up to be) a lengthy discussion on showing and telling. I introduced Peter Rock’s essay “The Telling that Shows” as the piece that ended my own confusion surrounding this topic, as well as the method of writing a planning script to help me utilize both concepts in my…
Idea You Can Steal 84: New Town
This isn’t my last post of 2024. But it is my last chance to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Here’s a story idea to feed your muse over the holidays. I hope you make happy memories with family and friends this season. See you in 2025! Public opinion turns against a…