I had ideas about how to start 2025 on this blog. But there’s a foot of snow outside, my family is currently passing a cold around, and my desktop is barely functional and slowly dying.
Happy New Year, everyone. Here’s a new story idea you can steal.
A famous acting troupe is coming to town. The play they’re putting on is a whimsical comedy set in the woods, so an outdoor venue is chosen for the event. (Imagine something in the same vein as Shakespeare’s As You Like It or A Midsummer Night’s Dream.) However, the play is plagued with behind-the-scenes trouble — more than the usual bumps the troupe deals with all the time. What kind of obstacles must the cast and crew overcome so the show can go on?
Some possibilities: bad weather, lost luggage, actors lost or stuck at an airport, illness puts the stagehands out of commission, civil unrest in the town threatens to cancel the show, delinquents with bright ideas and too much time on their hands sabotage the production.
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