Writing Prompts 52

Forgive me if I don’t have a clever intro for this week’s post. My grandmother has been dealing with some heavy medical trouble, so priorities need to be shifted around. But I didn’t want to neglect you readers completely. So here are five writing prompts to spark your April sessions.

  1. Write about a group who rescues their friend from their enemies’ lair.
  2. A guide is leading a group of monks through the wilderness. What about the wilderness is strange — unusual even to the guide? Why doesn’t the guide warn the monks about the danger right away?
  3. Write a story that involves deceiving a military officer.
  4. Write a story that takes place during an uprising.
  5. Write about a leader who is undone not by her weakness, but by her own strength.

If you use any of these prompts, please share your story or a link to your story in the comments below.

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