Writing Prompts 68

Happy Pumpkin Spice Season!

Before I share this month’s prompts, I have an announcement to make. I will stop posting writing prompts in early 2025.

While preparing for the WordPress launch, I discovered that coming up with prompts and ideas to steal wasn’t fun anymore. I want to focus on a few big projects at a time, not burn myself out creatively by scattering my attention a thousand different ways. So I believe the time has come to bring these staples to a close. Yet I want to end on nice, round numbers. I chose 70 for the writing prompts, and that entry is slated to drop in January 2025 at the earliest. (Don’t worry. I’ve got enough Ideas You Can Steal to last into 2026.)

If you haven’t worked out the math for yourself yet, I have 15 more prompts to share with you. Hope you enjoy these five and the rest to come.

  1. How does a man’s life fall apart along with his health?
  2. Write about how your protagonist and antagonist settle their differences through a mock trial.
  3. Write a story centered around a secret nighttime raid. It could be police raiding a criminal hideout, an army raiding an enemy base, adventurers raiding a goblin lair, or a gang raiding a rival’s headquarters.
  4. Why is the richest man in the city giving away all of his wealth?
  5. Write about a character pursuing their goals in spite of all the hate and prejudice they face. Bonus points if this hated character is not your protagonist.

If you use any of these prompts, please share your story or a link to your story in the comments below.

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