Idea You Can Steal 45: The Robot Child
Tomorrow is Halloween! Hope all of you have a happy one, however you’re celebrating this year. Here’s a bonus treat for your candy basket.
Idea You Can Steal 44: Lost in the Clockwork City
I ended up with a full plate of work this month. So I’m sneaking this story idea to you under the table before I hit the grind again.
Idea You Can Steal 43: The Wizard-King’s Defense
Just a friendly reminder to do your mental health a favor and turn off the news for a few hours. If you don’t have other projects to occupy your time away from the outside world, here’s a story idea you can chew on.
Idea You Can Steal 42: The Healing Ritual
So I’ve had an interesting week. My mom’s old injury decided to flare up, requiring a visit to the emergency room. That led to me helping my sister move into her college dorm, which wasn’t part of our original plan. Thus why this post is late.
Idea You Can Steal 41: Lost Identity
It’s the final day of July, so here’s one more idea to kickstart your writing into August.
Idea You Can Steal 40: “I’m going to find myself some treasure!”
I don’t know about you all, but I don’t mind rain. In the summer, I look forward to it. Maybe because it’s a chance to cool down, or maybe because it washes the air clean. After what 2020 has been and still is, cleaning the air sounds nice.
Idea You Can Steal 39: The Lost Tribe
It’s been raining all day today, so here’s me slipping in a story idea for you before it starts thundering again.
Idea You Can Steal 38: The Possessed Amulet
May has an extra Friday this year, so here’s an extra story idea for you.
Idea You Can Steal 37: The Box of Letters
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms in the audience. Here’s this month’s free story idea.
Idea You Can Steal 36: When a God Dies
Corona-chan is still on her world tour. Hope all of you are staying safe, healthy, and sane. Here’s another juicy Idea You Can Steal to help you pass the time.