Idea You Can Steal 12: The Alluring Hunt
Is it too early to say “Happy Halloween?” Doesn’t matter. I already did. And here’s an idea to inspire your late night writing.
Idea You Can Steal 11: Patient Zero
Ordinarily, I’d make some poetic remark about the leaves changing color and the weather cooling. But the only signs of the season I’ve seen so far are pumpkin spice lattes.
Idea You Can Steal 10: The Moon’s Champion
August has one more Friday left, so here’s a bonus story idea for you.
Idea You Can Steal 9: Stone of Fascination
Summer may be ending, but your writing doesn’t have to. Here’s an idea you can use as the season winds down.
Idea You Can Steal 8: The Empty Spaceship
I know it’s early, but Happy Christmas in July to my friends down under. And in the spirit of Christmas, here’s a present for all of you.
Idea You Can Steal 7: The Emperor’s Amulet
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Here is June’s free story idea.
Idea You Can Steal 6: The Tainted Three
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in the audience. Here’s my story idea for May.
Idea You Can Steal 5: Ghost in the Crystal
There aren’t any holidays coming up, so I’ll cut my usual fluff and say “Here’s your monthly idea to steal.”
Idea You Can Steal 4: Grandma’s Coupons
The calendar has given March an extra Friday, so here’s a bonus story idea for your Easter basket. Enjoy!
Idea You Can Steal 3: The Box
Top o’ the mornin’ to ye, friends. (Or afternoon, or evening, or…) Happy St. Patrick’s Day! There may not be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but there is a story idea.