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I think Old Man Winter is being a procrastinator this season. It’s February, and my neighborhood is finally getting substantial snow. I’m trying to not follow his example by posting this month’s writing prompts on time.
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It’s a new year, so it’s time for a new round of writing prompts. Enjoy!
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It’s the holiday season. Here are some treats for your muse.
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Fall’s only a couple weeks away. Here’s some new writing prompts to enjoy with your last glass of lemonade and first Pumpkin Spice coffee of the year.
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Don’t mind me. Just sneaking in a set of writing prompts while there’s a break in the thunderstorms.
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Happy Independence Day, America! Here’s some writing prompts you can work on as you wait for night to fall and the fireworks to begin.
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We had a pop-up thunderstorm roll through last night. That’s the surest sign in these parts that summer has arrived. Here’s some writing prompts to help you weather the next bout of summer (or winter) storms.
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So I’m publishing this post from the campus library at my sister’s college. I’m in town for her graduation. The actual ceremony is tomorrow, which is why I’m posting a day early. For everybody who doesn’t have big plans for the coming weekend, here are set of writing prompts for your imagination to chew on.
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Forgive me if I don’t have a clever intro for this week’s post. My grandmother has been dealing with some heavy medical trouble, so priorities needed to be shifted around. But I didn’t want to neglect you readers completely. So here are five writing prompts to spark your April sessions.
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It’s been a weird week for me. Then again, I know there’s plenty of other people in the world going through even weirder weeks. So let me get to the point quickly. Here’s a few writing prompts to help you take a break from whatever weirdness you’re facing right now.