Creating a Stable Connection to Your Imagination
I mention Christopher Vogler so often on this blog, it’s become a running joke at this point. Though I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the two men who influenced Vogler’s work. The most obvious is Joseph Campbell, specifically his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. A subtle influence in Campbell’s work — one…
Writing Prompts 38
Sounds like most of the US is having some crazy winter weather. Here in my neck of the woods, we’ve had plenty of snow the past two weeks. I’ve gathered some writing prompts to keep you company. Best enjoyed warm.
On the Red Line, Part 6
David’s phone buzzed. A text from a familiar number appeared.
Idea You Can Steal 48: Stuck
It’s been a stressful week for me, so no quippy intro this time, y’all. Here’s your Idea to Steal for January.
What Critique to Ignore
I discovered the YouTube channel Psych2Go last year and have enjoyed several of their videos. One I keep circling back to is “7 Things You Should Never Apologize For.” The last time I watched it, I noticed how two of the things on their list were particularly relevant for writers: You should never apologize for…
Writing Prompts 37
We made it, y’all! It’s 2021! Here’s some prompts to kick off your first writing sessions of the year.
On the Red Line, Part 5
The train came to a stop at the next station. Though none of the passengers were listening, the announcer lady said, “Arrived at Sable Heights. Next stop: Broad Street. Transfers at Broad Street for Yellow Line.” The loud clatter of skateboard wheels startled the group. A tall, muscular young man boarded — jumping into the…
Idea You Can Steal 47: Threat to the Colony
Family is visiting tomorrow, so I’m giving you your Idea to Steal a day early. Enjoy!
Writing Prompts 36
Who else is grateful that 2020 is nearly over? Here’s your last batch of writing prompts for the year.
What Happens When There’s No Conflict?
An important lesson that I learned in my college philosophy classes was the value of indirect proof. Part 1 of this two-parter is what most people think of when you mention logical arguments and proofs: speculating what could be if a particular thing existed or reasoning out the consequences of something being true. However, in…