Writing Prompts 34
Spooky times are here again. Though considering how 2020 has been, who’s afraid of witches and ghosts anymore? But enough of those depressing thoughts. Here’s some writing prompts for you to enjoy along with your favorite seasonal treats.
On the Red Line, Part 3
The noise inside the train shifted. First, a whoosh as the train left the tunnel. Then, the click-clack of the wheels dipped beneath the rush of wind. From the sounds alone, the four passengers knew that they were traveling above ground now. Mia restarted the conversation with “So, where were you two when the weirdness…
Idea You Can Steal 43: The Wizard-King’s Defense
Just a friendly reminder to do your mental health a favor and turn off the news for a few hours. If you don’t have other projects to occupy your time away from the outside world, here’s a story idea you can chew on.
The Virtues of a Functional Story
The reason a lot of beginning writers start learning how to write creatively is they have one amazing idea for a story. They imagine the twists and turns the plot will take the reader down, the surprise ending she never saw coming, with totally unique characters and setting. The writer is sure that it’ll be…
Writing Prompts 33
It’s finally starting to cool down in my part of the world, meaning fall is on its way. Here’s a new batch of prompts you can use to write through the changing seasons.
On the Red Line, Part 2
“Arrived at Crystal Towers. Next stop: Dalton Avenue.” The announcement stirred David and Sakari awake, just in time to see two women board the train. They looked like sisters. Both had golden blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. One had braided her hair while the other wore a hair clip that held hers up in…
Idea You Can Steal 42: The Healing Ritual
So I’ve had an interesting week. My mom’s old injury decided to flare up, requiring a visit to the emergency room. That led to me helping my sister move into her college dorm, which wasn’t part of our original plan. Thus why this post is late.
Conscious and Unconscious Inspiration
We tend to think of inspiration as something that just happens, like vivid dreams or chance shower thoughts. They often feel like gifts from an external source — God, a muse, the Collective Unconscious, or some other cosmic power. These moments can be game-changing, so they ought to be cherished and recorded as soon as…
Writing Prompts 32
Trying to catch up on work stuff and re-align my sleep schedule this week. Mistakes were made, and now I’m paying the price. So no witty intro (or a lame seasonal joke) this month, folks. Here’s your promised new batch of writing prompts.
Idea You Can Steal 41: Lost Identity
It’s the final day of July, so here’s one more idea to kickstart your writing into August.