Idea You Can Steal 34: The Secret Town
It’s mid-February, and it looks like I’m not going to get any more snow this winter. And all I did get lasted for two days. Climate change or bad luck? I’ll let you decide.
Suspending Disbelief
If you’ve taken English classes or studied media at all, you’re probably familiar with suspension of disbelief. It’s the psychological mechanism through which we immerse ourselves in an imaginary world and allow ourselves to care about what happens in it. It’s our ability to temporarily ignore the normal rules of our everyday lives and slip…
Writing Prompts 26
I know a lot of you are arranging something special to do with your special someone on a certain holiday next week. So I’m giving you your Valentine’s Day gift early this year — a box of writing prompts. Enjoy!
Idea You Can Steal 33: Surprise in the Will
It’s Super Bowl weekend. It’s also the last Friday in January. So here’s a bonus story idea you can work on between rounds of sports-ball.
Friday Flash 14: Safe Room
Emma, Lance, and Riley stood around the desk, staring at a sheet of paper. A large symbol was drawn on it — a mass of thick, black, sharp tendrils forming a circular, labyrinthine knot. They couldn’t pull their eyes away from it. The knot led their minds into a deep, dark place. None of them…
Idea You Can Steal 32: An Old Romance
My town finally got snow last week. It lasted a full two days before a freak warm spell melted it all. Here’s a story idea for the next time weather keeps you inside.
Writing Prompts 25
New year, New decade. I hope yours is off to a good start. Here are some new prompts to jumpstart your 2020 writing.
Idea You Can Steal 31: A Cozy Life Shattered
There’s only a few days left of 2019. Here’s one final idea to boost your writing into the new year.
Writing Prompts 24
It’s that time of year again. Here’s a few writing prompts to kick off your holiday writing sessions.
Idea You Can Steal 30: An Artist’s Chance
November has a leftover Friday this year. So here’s a story idea you can work on alongside those turkey leftovers.