Idea You Can Steal 21: Keeping the Case Cold
May has been an interesting and busy month for me, so no pithy intro I’m afraid. But I do have a story idea you can steal.
Three Ways to Start Your Story
Many times, the hardest part of turning your new idea into a reality is figuring out where the story should begin. This month, I’ll present you with three possibilities as well as my thoughts on each: pros, cons, and what kinds of stories best fit them.
Writing Prompts 17
Ordinarily, I’d comment on how the weather is starting to warm up, but there’s been a heatwave this week. Maybe summer snuck in early? Regardless, a new batch of writing prompts are coming to you right on schedule.
The Sword in Lake Mitchell, Part 2
It was the last day of Mina. Soon, it’d be midsummer, when all of Mars would throw spontaneous parties. A trip into Ville was an all-day affair for Kaelyn, so she had to make it worthwhile. That meant going to market. It was one of the most profitable times of the year for merchants, but…
Idea You Can Steal 20: A Chess Master’s Legacy
Happy Easter, everyone! Here’s a springtime treat for you.
Writing the Middle
Some stories take a while to get started. Others suffer from a rushed or poorly thought out ending. Yet the place where a lot of stories I’ve read stumble is in the middle. The middle is also where a lot of beginning writers start to run into problems, lose steam and confidence, and are tempted…
Writing Prompts 16
I promised myself that I wouldn’t give you the “April showers” line again this year, but since it’s been raining all day, it’s all I can think about. So I might’ve failed to deliver a pithy intro, but I still have five new writing prompts for you.
Idea You Can Steal 19: The Case of the Missing Assistant
March has one last Friday for us, so here’s a bonus story idea for you.
The Sword in Lake Mitchell, Part 1
Kaelyn swam through the cool, clear water, scanning the lake bed with her flashlight. The heart of Lake Mitchell was dim, even at midday. Unlike Kaelyn’s other diving spots, it was eerily still and quiet. There were no plants, no fish — only silt covering the one-hundred-year-old remains of a naval battle.
Idea You Can Steal 18: Desertion
An early Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all. Here’s another story idea from the Apprentice Wordsmith pot.