Idea You Can Steal 83: The Decay
The weather has finally cooled off where I live. Time to curl up with a seasonal beverage and enjoy this Idea You Can Steal.
Writing Prompts 68
Happy Pumpkin Spice Season! Before I share this month’s prompts, I have an announcement to make. I will stop posting writing prompts in early 2025. While preparing for the WordPress launch, I discovered that coming up with prompts and ideas to steal wasn’t fun anymore. I want to focus on a few big projects at…
Idea You Can Steal 82: Beware, Kids
Hey all. No witty intro this time, I’m afraid. I’ve got several things cooking behind the scenes, so I need to make this post quick. Here’s one more story idea for you before the seasons change.
Writing Prompts 67
A belated Merry Christmas in July to all of my Southern Hemisphere readers. Here’s a new batch of writing prompts for all of you to enjoy.
Idea You Can Steal 81: Hard Times Get Harder
Now that I’ve launched my Odysee channel, you may see inspiration posts like these appear less frequently. I’m still keeping my promised twice-a-month posting schedule; I’m just splitting my time evenly between the channel and the blog. The monthly blog post may be a set of writing prompts, a story idea you can steal, or…
[Announcement] I’ve Launched an Odysee Channel
I’ve wanted to start something like this for years, but life and social anxiety kept getting in the way. When I was laid off from my day job last October, I took that as my cue to finally make this dream a reality. Now, I’m excited to announce that I’m posting videos on Odysee, and…
Idea You Can Steal 80: One Man’s Trash
All the pieces are coming together behind the scenes. It’s so exciting! I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on. As eager as I am, though, it’s probably wise to run a few more tests before releasing this project onto the internet. Stay tuned for a big announcement in June. Until then, here’s…
Rendezvous at Stone Crossing
Unlike the bare concrete and steel of stations like Coldessi Boulevard or Paulownia Square, Stone Crossing had a grand street level lobby. White fluted columns held up the arching roof. Old ticket booths lined two walls, their windows barricaded with gilded brass bars. Advertising posters hung over every free section of wall space: shows that…
Writing Prompts 66
I didn’t realize how badly I wanted to get out of the house until I needed to escape the noise and dust of some remodeling my family’s doing. The change of scenery has been such an inspiration! I oughta do this more often. Speaking of, here’s your monthly dose of writing prompts. I hope they…
Idea You Can Steal 79: The Mind of a Weapon
Where I am, the temperatures have finally decided to sober up and stay warm. Hope you’re not dealing with any wacky weather where you are. But if you are stuck inside, here’s a story idea to keep you company.