The Sword in Lake Mitchell, Part 1
Kaelyn swam through the cool, clear water, scanning the lake bed with her flashlight. The heart of Lake Mitchell was dim, even at midday. Unlike Kaelyn’s other diving spots, it was eerily still and quiet. There were no plants, no fish — only silt covering the one-hundred-year-old remains of a naval battle.
Idea You Can Steal 18: Desertion
An early Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all. Here’s another story idea from the Apprentice Wordsmith pot.
Grammar in Creative Writing
You can think of this post as a precursor to my “How Do I” series. Those posts are all about grammar and structure. Not as in-depth as someplace like Grammarly’s blog, but they’re still among my longest posts. So I’d like to take a step back and talk about the role of grammar in creative…
Writing Prompts 15
Hi, readers. How’s 2019 been treating you so far? It’s still treating me well, professionally speaking. Unfortunately, that means I haven’t had much time for my creative projects. Entering the second month now. Sigh.
Friday Flash 11: The Clocks of Tynsk
There was a clockmaker in the town of Tynsk. He lived on the fringes, aloof and alone. He never opened his door to the townsfolk, but welcomed every lost traveler and poor wanderer.
Idea You Can Steal 17: A Working Family
Happy Valentine’s Day, readers! As a token of my love, here’s a story idea.
Method Writing: The Making of “Bael-Sur”
In December 2017, the YouTube channel Tale Foundry released a video about H.P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu mythos. I’ve never been a fan of horror, but Tale Foundry’s video inspired me to take a stab at writing a weird and creepy story. As I was brainstorming the plot of my short story, I found Cryo…
Writing Prompts 14
I’ve been thoroughly blessed the past couple of weeks. But with those blessings came a major increase in my workload. It’s Friday evening. My brain is mush. So no witty intro for this month’s prompts I’m afraid. Enjoy!
It feels so long since I last wrote to you. I can’t remember when I last wrote a letter to anybody. So much has happened, and I scarcely believe any of it.
Idea You Can Steal 16: A Place Outside of Time
My neighborhood has gotten close to a foot of snow this month. And more snow is in the forecast. So I’ll have good reason to stay indoors and work on my stories. Here’s an idea you can use the next time the weather keeps you inside.