Objective Third
Professor Ellar, Garrett, and Dora entered the room at the center of the warehouse. It was dimmer and warmer than the rooms they had wandered through. Human skulls stare back at them, stacked one on top of the other along three walls. The far wall was covered with a thick, red curtain. A large pentagram…
Writing Prompts 8
Going on vacation soon? Here are some writing prompts to pack in your bags. Don’t worry. They don’t take up much room.
Eight Points of View: Omniscient Third
So far, I’ve been talking about points of view where the author’s persona is close to a single character in the story. When the author’s persona is close to multiple characters and combines their experiences into a single narrative, then the point of view becomes omniscient third. It’s sometimes called “omniscient author” or “authorial narration.”…
Omniscient Third
Professor Ellar, Garrett, and Dora reached the center of the warehouse. As their eyes adjusted to the dim light, they found themselves in one of the most confusing places they’d ever seen.
Idea You Can Steal 8: The Empty Spaceship
I know it’s early, but Happy Christmas in July to my friends down under. And in the spirit of Christmas, here’s a present for all of you.
Eight Points of View: The Observer-Narrator
If you remember my first post in this series, there are two factors that define point of view. 1. Where the story is being told from (inside or outside it) 2. How close to the plot that position is
Third Person Observer-Narrator: Garrett Morton
Garrett, the professor, and Dora reached the center of the warehouse. Garrett’s eyes were immediately drawn to the skulls stacked up against the walls. At last, he had found proof that Vasco was a murderer and a monster.
First Person Observer-Narrator: Garrett Morton
We reached the center of the warehouse, and there we saw the strangest room I’d ever seen. It was dim but I could make out skulls — hundreds of them — lining the walls.
Writing Prompts 7
Enjoyed any fireworks recently? I have. Here are some more prompts to keep your summer writing rolling.
Friday Flash 6: The Psychic’s Creed
Brothers, sisters, we have discovered a great gift. To speak mind to mind. To walk in each other’s dreams. All beyond the reach of our mechanical lords.