How Do I…? Thoughts
It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these craft posts. This time, I want answer a question I’ve encountered numerous times. How do you format a characters’ thoughts? How do you incorporate them into your story?
The Writer’s Mindset
Weeks ago, I was doing some housekeeping on my computer — cleaning out old files, archiving things on an external hard drive, those sorts of things. In the process, I came across the fragments of a project that I had planned to help me in my day job. It’s a project that will never come…
Stop Trying to be Unique
Everyone wants to be special. We believe that, if we’re special, then no one can replace us. If we become irreplaceable, then we’re guaranteed love and acceptance — or at least sympathy and attention.
Writing Prompts 57
Fall’s only a couple weeks away. Here’s some new writing prompts to enjoy with your last glass of lemonade and first Pumpkin Spice coffee of the year.
Friday Flash 17: Sanctuary
Loneliness — that’s what it is. That feeling nibbling your ears and tugging your hair. The desire to have someone next to you. Company is the one thing you lack on this beach. You don’t know how long you’ve been here. The darkness does funny things to time. But it must have been long enough…
Idea You Can Steal 71: Mystery in the Piano
I’ve been wondering how to preface this post, and all I can think of is “Resolution feels so good.”
Writing Prompts 56
Don’t mind me. Just sneaking in a set of writing prompts while there’s a break in the thunderstorms.
Idea You Can Steal 70: Domestic Disturbance
I’m exhausted. My family could use a nice vacation. Here’s a bonus story idea you can work on while you’re enjoying yours.
Dinner in Silver Arches, Part 7
Bern, Rianne, Nico, David, Sakari, and Shavonne walked through the drizzle toward the Silver Arches subway station, stepping in and out of pools of bright light produced by the street lamps towering above them. It wouldn’t be long before Bern and Rianne split off from the rest to head home to Sable Heights. Nico told…
Idea You Can Steal 69: The Oak Hill House
Just got off a long week at my day job. The next two are filled with volunteer work. Luckily, past me was smart enough to prepare all of July’s blog posts ahead of time. All but the intros… Enjoy!