Writing Prompts 52
Forgive me if I don’t have a clever intro for this week’s post. My grandmother has been dealing with some heavy medical trouble, so priorities needed to be shifted around. But I didn’t want to neglect you readers completely. So here are five writing prompts to spark your April sessions.
Dinner in Silver Arches, Part 3
Mia unlocked the front door and stepped onto the faded burlap welcome mat. She flipped a light switch on the wall, illuminating a bright painting of sunflowers and a brass coat rack. “Come in. Make yourselves at home,” she told David, Bern, and Rianne. By instinct, Mia followed the hardwood floor left then right through…
Idea You Can Steal 64: Calculating Morality
Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend, everyone. Hope you’re having good luck with your writing this month. Here’s a story idea to give your creativity a push.
Writing Prompts 51
It’s been a weird week for me. Then again, I know there’s plenty of other people in the world going through even weirder weeks. So let me get to the point quickly. Here’s a few writing prompts to help you take a break from whatever weirdness you’re facing right now.
Dinner in Silver Arches, Part 2
Cara took out her phone to check her list, but she couldn’t go past the lock screen. She was so surprised by what she saw that she could only stare at her phone wide-eyed, saying, “Umm…”
Idea You Can Steal 63: Keeping Options Open
Had any unusual weather lately? It had been a usual, bitterly cold February where I am, but then last night was strangely windy. We don’t often get gusts strong enough to rattle the house. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear there was a storm brewing nearby.
Writing Prompts 50
People say that life is like a box of chocolates. They might say the same about my writing prompts. Even I don’t know what they’ll be before putting together this post. Mainly because I create them in batches and randomly select five from the list every month.
Dinner in Silver Arches, Part 1
There was no point in trying the elevators at the Coldessi Boulevard subway station again. The climb down the emergency staircase was just as dim as before, though it was much easier on everyone’s legs. It was also just long enough for David to share his story with Nico and Shavonne — the one he…
Idea You Can Steal 62: A Strange Woman, An Old Friend, and a Curious String of Coincidences
My town got a lot of show these past two weeks. Then melted away a few days later. So far, a typical winter around here.
Writing Prompts 49
It’s the first Friday of January. Time for a fresh set of writing prompts for 2022. Happy writing, all!