Idea You Can Steal 61: The Guardians’ Betrayal
Here’s one last story idea to tide you over into 2022. Hope it’s a good one!
Coldessi Park, Part 7
The eight huddled together against the wall of a graffiti-covered underpass. Bern would tell them later that he and his skater friends regularly hung out here. The bare concrete cave was quiet now. Nothing but the wind and what they hoped was the distant rumble of thunder.
Idea You Can Steal 60: The Great Christmas Light Fight
My family is hosting Christmas this year too. Thus, my last two points of 2021 may not land on Fridays. It really depends on when guests arrive and when I can scrape together a few minutes to update the blog. For now, though, here’s a story idea to feed your next writing session.
Writing Prompts 48
Happy Hanukkah to all of my Jewish readers. Yep, the holiday season is back again. Here are some treats for your muse to nibble on.
Coldessi Park, Part 6
Bern yelled and swung his skateboard at the empty air for a few more moments before collapsing, exhausted. Mia also sank to her knees. She stared at her hands, silent, mouth agape.
Idea You Can Steal 59: The City of Doors
I don’t like posting and story ideas back to back, but work is forcing my hand. Day jobs. What can you do?
Writing Prompts 47
New month. New set of writing prompts.
Coldessi Park, Part 5
Sakari, Nico, and Shavonne met the charging dogs and attacked them with sword, fist, and improvised whip. The dog Sakari struck bit his arm in retaliation. Bern join in, swinging his skateboard, while unsuccessfully dodging a crow.
Idea You Can Steal 58: A Not-So-Simple Robbery
No clever intro this week, y’all. Too much on my mind. Trying to figure out how to get it all done. Plus, my muse isn’t being very helpful. Anyway, here’s an idea for your muse to chew on.
Writing Prompts 46
It’s the first of October. You know what that means. Time to start spooky month off right with a new batch of writing prompts.