Writing Prompts 43

Happy July 4th, America! Here’s some writing prompts to spark your imagination.

  1. Write a story set in the ruins of a religious site — a burned down church, a temple reclaimed by nature, a flooded shrine, etc.
  2. No one wants to get on the bad side of a weather-maker — a sorcerer with the power to control the weather. Write about a time when a weather-maker unleashed her magical fury on one of her enemies.
  3. The main character is forced to decide between his survival, his allies, and a chance for revenge. Which does he choose? Why?
  4. Write about a character born to a powerful political family but gave it all up to explore the world.
  5. Write about an attack on a library, museum, or national archives.

If you use any of these prompts, please share your story or a link to your story in the comments below.

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