Idea You Can Steal 52: Two Escape
My town is in the middle of a heat wave. Summer is definitely around the bend. Here’s a story idea to keep you occupied when the weather in your town gets unbearable.
Writing Prompts 41
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in the audience. Here’s a bouquet of writing prompts for you to enjoy.
Idea You Can Steal 51: Getting Back to Business
For April’s bonus idea, imagine a trade guild. If you’re not familiar with these organizations, you may want to briefly read up on the medieval trade guilds of Europe or today’s labor unions.
On the Red Line, Part 8
The scenery outside the train brightened as it ascended on elevated tracks toward Mason Plaza. The city spread around and beneath them like a well filled with warm electric lights.
Idea You Can Steal 50: Burying the Records
A lawyer’s job is more than stirring speeches and courtroom theatrics. There are legal precedents to research and analyze, and briefs to carefully write which lay out your arguments before you ever get to present them verbally in court (if it ever gets that far). This story will focus on the more mundane adventures that…
Writing Prompts 40
Happy Easter! Here’s some prompts for you to enjoy.
On the Red Line, Part 7
As the train sped away from Broad Street station, David realized that there was no use in lying anymore. Bern knew too much. It made no difference whether the rest believed him or not. He had to tell the truth. “Now headed toward Nielsen Quay. Next stop: Mason Plaza,” the recording announced. David began, “Mia,…
Writing Prompts 39
Here’s your monthly set of writing prompts, as promised. I’ll settle back into my normal posting order in April.
Using Random Word Generators
I’ve written a fair bit on the theory behind conscious inspiration and the differences between it and the unconscious inspiration most of us are familiar with. I’ve yet to talk about what this conscious process actually looks like. Today, I aim to finally tackle that aspect by demonstrating how I come up with writing prompts…
Idea You Can Steal 49: Meet Their Maker
Doing something different this month by starting off with an Idea to Steal, rather than a pack of writing prompts. Don’t worry. Prompts will come later in March.