Idea You Can Steal 6: The Tainted Three
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in the audience. Here’s my story idea for May.
Writing Prompts 5
May flowers are blooming. So are writing prompts. Here’s a bouquet of five.
Friday Flash 4: Warrior of the North
You walk through a dark forest, down from the mountain. Snow swirls at your feet, obscuring the path ahead, erasing your footprints behind. No name, no home, a past forgotten and gone. Only your life to lose. You are nobody, another stranger from the north.
Idea You Can Steal 5: Ghost in the Crystal
There aren’t any holidays coming up, so I’ll cut my usual fluff and say “Here’s your monthly idea to steal.”
The Fundamental Difference Between Fantasy and Science Fiction
You’d be forgiven if you didn’t know the exact boundaries between fantasy and science fiction. Fans of one tend to be fans of the other, resulting in a lot of cross-pollination and blurring. It happens so often that they’re commonly grouped under the umbrella term “speculative fiction.” Any fan will tell you that science fiction…
Writing Prompts 4
April showers bring — writing prompts. That’s the best seasonal joke I can come up with. Anyway, here are five more for your writing routine.
Idea You Can Steal 4: Grandma’s Coupons
The calendar has given March an extra Friday, so here’s a bonus story idea for your Easter basket. Enjoy!
Friday Flash 3: Black Thunder
Clouds gather overhead, black against the evening sun. Wind flees before the army, turning up the leaves on the trees.
Idea You Can Steal 3: The Box
Top o’ the mornin’ to ye, friends. (Or afternoon, or evening, or…) Happy St. Patrick’s Day! There may not be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but there is a story idea.
We Stress Reading Too Much
So I have a confession to make. I can’t remember the last time I read a novel for pleasure. The last book I chose to read was nonfiction. According to some fiction writers on the internet, I’ve failed at one of the first rules of being a serious writer — reading. Writers are supposed to…