The Problem with Inner Problems
If you stick around writers’ circles long enough, you’ll hear some variant of the following axiom: “Every hero needs both an inner and an outer problem.” These days, you’re more likely to see “protagonist” or “main character” instead of “hero”, but the concept remains the same.
Message vs. Theme
In a previous post, I mentioned message as one of the essential ingredients for a story. I think it’s high time that I discuss what I mean by this.
Details Tell
Creative writing involves a lot of description — of people, of places, of things, of what is happening and what has happened. Writers spend more of our time describing stuff than we’d probably care to admit.
Finding Your Writer’s Voice
There’s one writers’ forum I frequent. Once, I saw a new member submit a question about finding her voice as a writer. While her concerns are legitimate, I couldn’t help but shake my head.
4 Things Every Story Needs
If you’ve spent any amount of time Googling “how to write a story” or “how to write a book”, then you’ve probably encountered some of the myriad frameworks writers have devised as a diagnostic tool for successful stories. From books to blogs to special software, everyone seems to have their own pet theory, each with…